Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

To Run DGN2SDO in Legacy GeoGraphics Project (XFM) Mode

  1. Open Bentley Geospatial Administrator (Start > All Programs > Bentley > Bentley Map V8i > Bentley Geospatial Administrator).
  2. Select File > Import MicroStation GeoGraphics Database and set the Connection Types options to connect with the database.
  3. Click OK to import the GeoGraphics project and create an XFM schema.

    Once the import is complete, the features and their properties display in the left pane.

  4. Save the XFM schema and click Export.
  5. Create a new .BAT file called DGN2SDODriver.bat to allow creating SDO_GEOMETRY to load in Oracle Spatial using the DGN2SDO application.
  6. Open the .BAT file and enter the following DGN2SDO parameters:
    time /t 
    set dgn2sdo="C:\Program Files\Bentley\GeospatialExtension\bin\assemblies\dgn2sdo.exe" 
    set dgnfile=D:\data\TorontoGGProject\TorontoWater.dgn 
    set myworkspace=ggprj_ggprj 
    set myoutdir=D:\data\OutputDGN2SDO 
    set inmetadb=toronto/toronto@w2003db 
    set indb=odbc,ggprj;UID=ggprj;PWD=ggprj 
    rem --------------------------------------- 
    %dgn2sdo% IN_FILE=%dgnfile% IN_TYPE=XFM IN_FEATURE="HNOD_TUGS" IN_WU=%myworkspace% OUT_DIR=%myoutdir% IN_METADB=%inmetadb% IN_DB=%indb% 
    rem --------------------------------------- 
    %dgn2sdo% IN_FILE=%dgnfile% IN_TYPE=XFM IN_FEATURE="WTLINE_ACTV_TUGS" IN_WU=%myworkspace% OUT_DIR=%myoutdir% IN_METADB=%inmetadb% IN_DB=%indb% 
    rem --------------------------------------- 
    time /t
  7. Run the DGN2SDODriver.bat file from a command-line and check if it executes successfully.

    This should create .SQL, .DAT and .CTL which will work with SQLLOADER to load the data into Oracle.